viernes, 28 de agosto de 2015



Hace 8  años  vinieron a mi consulta un matrimonio de la franja de Huesca con dos niños de unos 7 años. Uno con rasgos mediterraneos y otro eslavos. Éste era Kiryl de Bielorusia, quien fue acogido durante todos estos 8 veranos por una família Española.
Kiryl es de la zona de Chernobil y su mamá biológica hace 25 años cuando explotó la central nuclear recibió una importante cantidad de radiación. La señora comió los vegetales y la carne de la zona,  esto le produjo que cuando al cabo de unos años quedó embarazada, tuviera un niño precioso pero con una alteración en su extremidad inferior. Kiryl tenia una pierna más corta, un pie más corto  con solo 4 dedos.
Cuando lo vi con su familia de acogida ya sentí una empatia con estos señores. Recuerdo que a este matrimonio les dije que yo solo tenia dos niñas y que me lo quedaria en aquel momento. Recuerdo la respuesta de los padres: primero nos lo quedamos nosotros y luego hay un montón de cola.
Cada verano lo he visitado y le he realizado una plantilla para mejorar sus apoyos. El niño me traia dibujos y fotos suyas que aún guardo.
Durante el año vive con otros niños como él en una casa de acogida en Bielorusia. Habla perfectamente el castellano y otros idiomas que ha aprendido en el colegio. Lo he visto crecer durante todo este tiempo. El dice que tiene un  papá (el de Huesca), tres mamás (la biológica, la Bielorusa y la de Huesca), un hermano de Huesca y no recuerdo cuantos Bielorusos. 
Este verano como cada año ha venido a visitarse, pero antes de partir para Bielorusia vino a despedirse ya que por su edad no podrá volver  el proximo año. Me hizo un regalo precioso. Este reloj y esta placa dedicada y escrita en su idioma. Me ha hecho mucha ilusión. A su padre de acogida y a mi se nos saltaron las lágrimas
Esto me da que pensar: hay gente muy buena.
Mucha suerte Kiryl, te la mereces crack. Ha sido un honor poder ayudarte.


jueves, 14 de marzo de 2013


Now a days many people use the computers or other technologies for fake pictures. People  retouch this images for laugh, for seem that they have been with a famous person, for deceive…  History can’t be changed, but it is possible to fake old photos and make people believe in something that is not true. Here are some old photos that prove this fact.

lunes, 11 de marzo de 2013


Buying a counterfeit perfume may seem harmless...until you discover what's really inside that bottle could be toxic chemicals.
Many big perfume companies have a big problem with that, it's cheaper and it has the same smelt so many people buy it. It seems the same but it isn't.

·         If the liquid looks too pale, it could be an alcohol-heavy phony. If it's too dark, it could consist of impure or faux ingredients.

·         If the label is off-kilter, smudged, poorly printed, or misspelled, it's not legit. If the bar code or an identifying mark looks sketchy, it could be a phony.

·         Top-quality perfumes are sold at department stores, real fragrances aren't sold  in tourist hot spots, supermarkets...


D.N.I, is another thing that many young people (teenagers) fake. They do that for enter in the discos, for buy alcohol, buy drugs… and it can have bad police and psychic consequences.
How it seems it isn’t legal, because you are faking your identity.  
There are many methods for do that, you can do it with a pen or with a printer in your house or you can bring it to someone and with specifics technology they can fake it.
In the internet there are a lot of webpages, interviews and videos which explain that.

sábado, 9 de marzo de 2013


Money, it's another thing that many people fakes.
First, the fakes were done with a normal printer in a normal house, but since 2 or 3 years ago people who do it have improve a lot. Sometimes the fake bill it's difficult to recognise.
How there were many people that they haven't got any money, they decided to do it, but how the shops started to find false money, they decided to buy some machines which detecte it.
Many shops have got it, but we think that many false wealth continues entering.
If you find a false banknote you have to go to the bank and return it.


According to sociologists, fake luxury attracts people because to wear a brand, however false, causes a great pleasure.
Clothing is one of the most fakes. Branded products are very expensive, so countries like China, India, Taiwán… produce that clothes and they sold that near the beach or every time more in some shops.
They do the same models, the product is exact but it has got a little difference.
It isn’t legal to sell fakes, when the police see this people they take all the goods and they destroy it. Related with the wearing, T-shirts, shorts, trainers, shoes, bags, trousers are the most faked.